Team name: Team Energy (Team NrG.)
Team website: banner: If you provide us with dimensions required I would be happy to give you a proper banner.
Team manager: Kurtis Daigle, NrGNeverExpo.557
E-Mail: NeverExpo'at'
MSN: Striker1515'at'
Skype: kurtis.daigle
How was your team founded?: I solely founded NrG. in early 2006. Since then I have worked non-stop to improve the team and its image within the scene.
CAN (Z) NrGNeverExpo.557
CAN (P) NrGSteve.556
CAN (Z) NrGCirno.902
CAN (Z) NrGshaNk.389
USA (T) NrGLuckyFool.490
USA (Z) NrGMalice.213
USA (Z) NrGZaM.822
USA (P) NrGGuN.937
Additional Informational: As a team we have already put a heavy emphasis on team leagues. Since the recent hit in our roster we have had the opportunity to let a few deserving players get a shot at playing important events, and we feel playing in this league will be great experience.